Blue Data


This data privacy policy applies to the BlueData hosted instance available through Note that BlueData policy is to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect while operating our Web application, mobile app, website, or our business more generally

What type of data do we control and process?

This data privacy policy distinguishes between data that is controlled by BlueData and data that is processed by BlueData.

BlueData is:

A data controller of very limited data about account holders and site visitors (i.e. we determine the purposes, conditions and means of the processing of personal data). BlueData collects web page analytics from unregistered and registered users of its web page using Google Analytics – pages visited, clicks, browser used, language choice, country of origin and so on. For registered users, BlueData collects (e-mail, organization name, organization website, country, business sector and domain) as part of the registration process and stores users’ preference in their profile.

A data processor of data collected by account holders (i.e. processes data on behalf of a data controller). Once a registered user creates a project, BlueData stores the information related to the survey and data collected by the account holder. This includes data submitted by participants completing surveys designed by registered users and can include personal information.

How do we use your data?

BlueData takes very seriously the privacy, confidentiality and security of personal information and any data collected or stored using BlueData.

Data that we control:

Data under our control which includes registration data (e-mail, organization name, organization website, country, business sector and domain) and site visitors data (website analytics) is used in aggregated ways to monitor usage and growth of BlueData. Personal information from registered users is used to provide services to registered users and communicate with registered users about our services. Registered users can view, edit, and delete their personal information stored in their profile, unregister from communication emails, or delete their account. Personal information is never shared or sold to third parties

Data that we process:

BlueData processes data on behalf of registered users who created a project and collected data. Registered users fully own their application data and BlueData does not use, share, or sell that information. Metadata about projects and surveys may be used in aggregated ways to analyze usage with the permission of the account holder. This metadata does not include personal information.

Registered users are the data controllers of the data they collect using BlueData and are responsible for the safe management of personal information, including compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). BlueData allows users to share application data publicly or with selected users. Information shared publicly is visible to anyone and can be indexed by search engines. BlueData is not responsible for how registered users handle survey participants’ personal information.

How do we protect your data?

BlueData is committed to protecting the data you entrust to us. We employ industry standard best practices (both technical and administrative) to protect against unauthorized access of your data. We cannot guarantee, however, its absolute security. To protect from loss of data, we do frequent system and incremental backups which are stored encrypted in various locations. To further protect your data, we encourage you to never share your login information and to change your passwords regularly.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may need to modify this privacy statement from time to time, especially in response to changing norms and legislations, so please review it frequently. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here or by means of a notice on our website so that you are aware of any changes with relation to what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it

Contact us

If you are uncertain about our data privacy policy or have requests with regards to general compliance, including GDPR rights, please contact us.